Happy New Years

Today we went to look at a BIG TREE!  The tree is famous for being so big, that all the other trees on the island are all part of the root system.  The tree is supposed to be a great place for bird watching, but since it’s winter here all the birds went south for the winter.

After looking at the big tree, we went to a second park that had alot of carp that you could feed.  When we got there some other people were feeding them and there was a feeding frenzy going on.  You can see it in some of the pictures below.

 After walking around the two different parks we went for dinner last night to celebrate New Years eve.  To celebrate we went out for “Western” style food.  I have the strangest (yest yummiest) “tenderloin” that I ever had.

I type “tenderloin” because the english discription offered no help on pointing where/what it came from.

It was a tenderloin with ham and cheese and your choice of sause.  I decided that black bean sause would be real interesting so I got that ontop!  The picture of the dish can be found below.