Rogers Disobeys Internet Openness Rules, Once Again Demonstrates Need for Strong Enforcement:

Rogers Disobeys Internet Openness Rules, Once Again Demonstrates Need for Strong Enforcement

by Lindsey Pinto

February 24, 2011 – CRTC staff have written to Rogers Communications regarding customer complaints that the major ISP has been slowing the speeds of “time sensitive audio [and] video traffic.”

This is the third time in three months that Rogers has been caught unfairly throttling Internet speeds. In December, the CRTC gave Rogers a slap on the wrist for this anti-competitive practice, and last month, the CRTC responded to similar complaints. Clearly, the CRTC is unable or unwilling to stop the telecom giant.

The Coalition has, for over a year, been pushing Industry Minister Tony Clement to ask the CRTC to enforce its Internet openness regulations. These rules clearly state that ISPs cannot discriminate against online content or applications by slowing or blocking them.

It is clear now more than ever that Canada’s media regulator must conduct regular audits of ISPs’ traffic management practices, and impose penalties for violations of their rules that go beyond asking for more transparency.

“It’s clear that changes must be made, ”said SaveOurNet co-founder Steve Anderson. “Internet openness regulations are in place, and still Big Telecom feels free to engage in discriminatory practices. It is time for policymakers to stop coddling big industry players, and begin to protect citizens’ communications interests.”

Citizens can write to the Industry Minister to ask for enforcement of Internet openness rules at

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