We were going to see The Last Airbender but…

Come on!  How does a big name like M. Night Shyamalan get the opportunity to put out a terrible movie like The Last Airbender?  Seriously?  We were going to go see it this weekend but it only got 8% on Rotten Tomatoes http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/last_airbender/

The consensus from Rotten Tomatoes: Despite flashy special effects, The Last Airbender squanders the potential of its popular source material on an incomprehensible plot, laughable dialogue, and a joyless sense of detachment.

So wisely we ditched Avatar and are going to go see Predators…  Its at least 64% http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/10012256-predators/ That doesn’t mean that it’ll be great but it’s GOT to be better then The Last Airbender.

In case you have any doubts here is a video that shows some of the reviews from the first people to see The Last Airbender:
